Internet Marketing Unleashed
Here comes the Dean Of Blogonomics and Podology
Bloggers Under Attack? | Internet Marketing Unleashed | Podcast #64
Scott Paton
Mar 12 2009
There are just over 300 fewer billionaires in the world this year, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is one of them. According to Forbes’ latest Masters of the Universe list (my name for it, not Forbes), Zuckerberg’s net worth plummeted by $600 million last year due to Facebook’s inability to make money.
Don’t feel too sorry for the 24-year-old personally—he’s making due with about $900 million these days.
The US House of Representatives’ definition of journalist in the Free Flow of Information Act is being debated right now, a law shielding journalists from having to reveal their sources. A new development in Virginia involving a citizen journalist shows why this definition needs to be broadened to include bloggers, and any other type of journalist.
Mike Rotkin of SEO Champion joins host Scott Paton discussing these and much more including Facebook and why you should be on it if you aren't already...
Internet Marketing secrets revealed in each and every episode. Listen closely as Scott Paton, the Dean of Blogonomics and Podology, shares with you the latest business-building, web traffic-exploding, power-profit news from the world of Internet Marketing.
Length: 22 minutes
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Internet Marketing Consultant with 7 years experience working with small to medium size businesses and entrepreneurs. Looking to take your business online or start an Internet business? Email Marketing, Adsense, Adwords, PPS, SEO, Keyword research, copywriting, and backend sales are some of the topics covered in the Podcasts, past, present and future.
Scott Paton will explain them all in easy to understand terms, plus how to use them in your business to get immediate results.
SEO Copywriter - Vancouver, BC and worldwide
Extreme Copy
Podcasting Unleashed
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